
Michigan Compiled Laws Chapter 287 

In 2009, Michigan passed legislation banning the use of battery cages, gestation crates, and veal crates. In 2019, Michigan enacted legislation prohibiting the sale of shell eggs from caged hens. As of 2020, the use of gestation crates and veal crates in the state of Michigan is prohibited. By January 1, 2025, the use of battery cages and the in-state sale of eggs from hens raised under such conditions will be illegal.

This legislation made Michigan the first state in the Midwest with a law prohibiting the production and sale of eggs from hens in battery cages.

  What Animals Are Affected?


Gestating Sows

Egg-laying Hens

  What Products Are Affected?

Shell and Liquid EggsStarting January 1, 2022, shell eggs must come from housing systems that meet the requirements of the law. Under Question 3, Layers must have 1.5 square feet of usable floor space each. Under S2481, shell and liquid eggs must come from hens housed in systems that meet the United Egg Producers cage-free housing requirements.

Shell Eggs